Stourbridge Golf Club is a limited company and is managed by a Chairman and Board of Directors with internal Sub-Committees who have responsibility for the Golf Course & Clubhouse. The Board of Directors look after the Golf Club Strategy, Business and Financial operations and the Captains manage golfing matters such as competitions and handicapping.

In addition, the Club has a Club Secretary and Assistant, Head Greenkeeper and a full Greenkeeping Team and a Food & Beverage team.

Additionally the Club engages the services of a PGA Professional to assist with the operation of golf activities.

The day to day management of the Club is entrusted to the Club Secretary and his Management Team consisting of the PGA Professional, Head Greenkeeper, Head Chef and Bar Manager.

The current Officers of Stourbridge Golf Club are; Gentleman Captain - Colin Bullock; Gentleman President – Jim Evans; Lady Captain - Mrs Carolyn Ayers; Lady President - Mrs Berni Grindley.

The current Board Members are Chairman - Simon Markey; Finance Director - Neil Barrett, Greens Director - Chris Thomas, Clubhouse Director - Terry James, Membership & Marketing Director - Chris Darby, Strategy Director - Neil Griffiths and Company Secretary - Mark Hughes.

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25.07.2024 05:26
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